Chatting with Alpaca
Remy Astie from VAUBAN #002
On our second episode of Fintech Underground by Alpaca we interviewed Remy Astie, the founder and CEO of VAUBAN, the world's first wealth container platform.
Chatting with Alpaca
On our second episode of Fintech Underground by Alpaca we interviewed Remy Astie, the founder and CEO of VAUBAN, the world's first wealth container platform.
Chatting with Alpaca
On our first episode of Fintech Underground by Alpaca we interviewed Vipul Divyanshu, the co-founder and CTO of Streak, a no-code algorithmic trading platform.
Chatting with Alpaca
Alpaca's co-founders Yoshi and Hitoshi casually talked about the story, vision, and roadmap at the 1st open office hour last week.