
enum alpaca.common.enums.BaseURL(value)

Base urls for API endpoints

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

BROKER_SANDBOX = <BaseURL.BROKER_SANDBOX: 'https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets'>
BROKER_PRODUCTION = <BaseURL.BROKER_PRODUCTION: 'https://broker-api.alpaca.markets'>
TRADING_PAPER = <BaseURL.TRADING_PAPER: 'https://paper-api.alpaca.markets'>
TRADING_LIVE = <BaseURL.TRADING_LIVE: 'https://api.alpaca.markets'>
DATA = <BaseURL.DATA: 'https://data.alpaca.markets'>
DATA_SANDBOX = <BaseURL.DATA_SANDBOX: 'https://data.sandbox.alpaca.markets'>
MARKET_DATA_STREAM = <BaseURL.MARKET_DATA_STREAM: 'wss://stream.data.alpaca.markets'>
TRADING_STREAM_PAPER = <BaseURL.TRADING_STREAM_PAPER: 'wss://paper-api.alpaca.markets/stream'>
TRADING_STREAM_LIVE = <BaseURL.TRADING_STREAM_LIVE: 'wss://api.alpaca.markets/stream'>
enum alpaca.common.enums.PaginationType(value)

An enum for choosing what type of pagination of results you’d like for BrokerClient functions that support pagination.


Requests that we perform no pagination of results and just return the single response the API gave us.


Requests that we perform all the pagination and return just a single List/dict/etc containing all the results. This is the default for most functions.


Requests that we return an Iterator that yields one “page” of results at a time

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

NONE = <PaginationType.NONE: 'none'>
FULL = <PaginationType.FULL: 'full'>
ITERATOR = <PaginationType.ITERATOR: 'iterator'>
enum alpaca.common.enums.Sort(value)
Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

ASC = <Sort.ASC: 'asc'>
DESC = <Sort.DESC: 'desc'>
enum alpaca.common.enums.SupportedCurrencies(value)

The various currencies that can be supported for LCT.

see https://alpaca.markets/support/local-currency-trading-faq

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

USD = <SupportedCurrencies.USD: 'USD'>
GBP = <SupportedCurrencies.GBP: 'GBP'>
CHF = <SupportedCurrencies.CHF: 'CHF'>
EUR = <SupportedCurrencies.EUR: 'EUR'>
CAD = <SupportedCurrencies.CAD: 'CAD'>
JPY = <SupportedCurrencies.JPY: 'JPY'>
TRY = <SupportedCurrencies.TRY: 'TRY'>
AUD = <SupportedCurrencies.AUD: 'AUD'>
CZK = <SupportedCurrencies.CZK: 'CZK'>
SEK = <SupportedCurrencies.SEK: 'SEK'>
DKK = <SupportedCurrencies.DKK: 'DKK'>
SGD = <SupportedCurrencies.SGD: 'SGD'>
HKD = <SupportedCurrencies.HKD: 'HKD'>
HUF = <SupportedCurrencies.HUF: 'HUF'>
NZD = <SupportedCurrencies.NZD: 'NZD'>
NOK = <SupportedCurrencies.NOK: 'NOK'>
PLN = <SupportedCurrencies.PLN: 'PLN'>