Install Pylivetrader on Windows
Install Pylivetrader on Windows
Pylivetrader packages for Windows are hosted on our channel on Anaconda. To get started, follow these steps.
Install the Python 3.7 version of Anaconda if you don’t already have it. You may be prompted to register an Anaconda account after installation.
From your start menu, open Anaconda Prompt.
Navigate into a development folder.
mkdir alpacahq cd alpacahq
Add the conda-forge, Quantopian, and alpacahq channels.
conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels Quantopian conda config --add channels alpacahq
Create a virtual environment with the necessary packages installed.
conda create -n pylivetraderenv pylivetrader
Activate your new virtual environment.
source activate pylivetraderenv
Once you follow these steps, you should be able to run pylivetrader from the Anaconda Prompt terminal.
pylivetrader run --backend-config exampleConfig.yaml
You can reactivate this environment at any time by running source activate pylivetraderenv
inside the Anaconda prompt.
If you encounter issues with setting your environment up, feel free to ask for help in our community Slack. A link to join is in the sidebar.