Market Data

Alpaca provides you with different market data depending upon your plan type. Below is a summary of the data feeds available. Currently, we only provide data for U.S. listed equities.

Free plan

Users that have signed up with Alpaca will receive free real-time data as a default from IEX. Please note that this data feed only includes quotes and trades occurring on the order books of IEX.

Unlimited plan

Users who sign up to the Unlimited plan, are provided with a consolidated U.S. equity market data feed. For more information and pricing, click here.

Consolidated stock market data is an aggregated reporting of all securities exchanges’ and alternative trading venues’ quote and trade data. It is the most relied upon type of market data, providing investors and traders globally with a unified view of U.S. stock market prices and volumes. It also underpins the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO), which provides investors with a continuous view of the best available displayed buy and sell prices, and through Rule 611 ensures that investors receive the best available displayed prices on their trades, with a few exceptions.

Further Reading

For more details about how to access each data API, please read the API Documentation. For more information about market data feeds, please see our Medium post.