API v2

Alpaca is a modern platform for algorithmic trading. Alpaca’s API is the interface for your trading algo to communicate with Alpaca’s brokerage service.

The API allows your trading algo to access real-time price, fundamentals, place orders and manage your portfolio, in either REST (pull) or streaming (push) style.

In order to start trading with Alpaca API, please sign up here.

Once you have signed up and have familiarized yourself with our API, please check out our python client to begin writing your own algo!


Every private API call requires key-based authentication. API keys can be acquired in the developer web console. The client must provide a pair of API key ID and secret key in the HTTP request headers named APCA-API-KEY-ID and APCA-API-SECRET-KEY respectively.

Here is an example using curl showing how to authenticate with the API.

curl -X GET \

Alpaca’s live API domain is api.alpaca.markets.

Paper Trading

Alpaca’s paper trading service uses a different domain and different credentials from the live API. You’ll need to connect to the right domain so that you don’t run your paper trading algo on your live account.

To use the paper trading api, set APCA-API-KEY-ID and APCA-API-SECRET-KEY to your paper credentials, and set the domain to paper-api.alpaca.markets.

After you have tested your algo in the paper environment and are ready to start running your algo in the live environment, you can switch the domain to the live domain, and the credentials to your live credentials. Your algo will then start trading with real money.

To learn more about paper trading, visit the paper trading page.

Rate Limit

There is a rate limit for the API requests. When it is exceeded, the API server returns error response with HTTP status code 429. The rate limit is 200 requests every minute per API key.

General Rules

Time Format and Time Zone

All date time type inputs and outputs are serialized according to ISO8601 (more specifically RFC3339). The communication does not assume a particular time zone, and this date time serialization denominates the time offset of each value.


Decimal numbers are returned as strings to preserve full precision across platforms. When making a request, it is recommended that you also convert your numbers to strings to avoid truncation and precision errors.


Object ID in Alpaca system uses UUID v4. When making requests, the format with dashes is accepted.


Assets and Symbology

An asset in this API is a tradable or non-tradable financial instrument. Alpaca maintains our own asset database and assigns an internal ID for each asset which you can use to identify assets to specify in API calls. Assets are also identified by a combination of symbol, exchange, and asset class. The symbol of an asset may change over the time, but the symbol for an asset is always the one at the time API call is made.

When the API accepts a parameter named symbol, you can use one of the following four different forms unless noted otherwise.

- "{symbol}"
- "{symbol}:{exchange}"
- "{symbol}:{exchange}:{asset_class}"
- "{asset_id}"

Typically the first form is enough, but in the case multiple assets are found with a symbol (the same symbol may be used in different exchanges or asset classes), the most commonly-used asset is assumed. To avoid the ambiguity, you can use the second or third form with suffixes joined by colons (:) Alternatively, asset_id is guaranteed as unique, in the form of UUID v4. When the API accepts symbols to specify more than one symbol in one API call, the general rule is to use commas (,) to separate them.

All of four symbol forms are case-sensitve.

v2 Release Notes

  • Updated Account and Assets entities with new fields for short selling and margin trading
  • Orders that encounter account permissioning, insufficient buying power, or lack of available borrow will return a 403 “forbidden” error with an existing or new log message describing the reject.
  • The endpoint host name will be the same as v1 (api.alpaca.markets/paper-api.alpaca.markets) but with different path (“/v2”).
  • API key between v1 and v2 are interchangeable.
  • Updated Python SDK for API v2.0 support, example usage: api = tradeapi.REST('<key_id>', '<secret_key>', api_version=’v2’)

Notes on Orders and Positions

  • If your account is set to shorting_enabled: false, any attempt to place a sell order in a stock that you have no position or with a quantity that exceeds your current position will result in a 403 Forbidden error. In the future, users who are approved for shorting will be able to set the shorting_enabled flag in their dashboard. This will extend to the creation of sub-accounts and help ensure strategies that are not supposed to short are never allowed to accidentally short.
  • For accounts with shorting_enabled: true, if you place a sell order for an asset on which you are flat, or one that you have a short position in, it will be treated as a short sell. There are no new “side” parameters added for short selling or short covering. The existing values of “sell” and “buy” will be used, respectively.
  • At this time, you are only allowed to short easy-to-borrow assets. Assets that are easy to borrow are marked with easy_to_borrow: true. A short sell order will be rejected with a 403 Forbidden status if the asset being sold is hard to borrow or not shortable at all.
  • At this time, an order that would flip your position in that stock from long to short or short to long is not supported and will return a 403 Forbidden error. Your position must first be <= 0 for shorts and must first be >= 0 for longs. In the future, we plan to support selling (buying) beyond an existing long (short) position directly into a short (long) position.
  • At this time, if you have no position in a stock, but you have a pending short sell (buy) order, you will not be permitted to submit a buy (sell) order. The order will return a 403 Forbidden error.
  • In order to allow the use of margin, the /orders endpoint will use the buying_power field to determine whether an account has enough buying power to buy/short a security. The exception to this rule is that assets marked with marginable:false cannot use margin lending to purchase the asset.
  • Market buy orders that would increase your position (e.g. buy order for a stock where your position in that stock is >= 0) are converted to marketable limit orders with a 2.5% to 4% price collar.
  • Market sell orders that would increase your position (e.g. sell order for a stock when your position in that stock is <= 0) are NOT converted but are subject to a pre-trade buying power risk check of 102.5 to 104% of the order value.
  • Short positions will be reported with negative quantities and negative market values.

API Endpoints

Suggestions or questions?
We're always happy to hear from you. You can contribute to these docs on GitHub, or you can join our Community Forum or Community Slack to get help from other community members and the Alpaca team.