Alpaca Wins Best Automated Trading Software at 2022 Benzinga Fintech Awards

Alpaca, a modern stock and crypto investing platform, was recognized at the 8th annual Benzinga Global Fintech Awards and named the overall winner for Best Automated Trading Software in 2022.

The Benzinga Global Fintech Awards recognizes outstanding performance, rising stars, and disruptive innovators creating positive changes in the financial technology space.

“We are delighted to be recognized as the “Best Automated Trading Software” by Benzinga as we continue to innovate, build and offer an API-first investing infrastructure that helps businesses, traders, and developers easily trade with algorithms and integrate stock and crypto investing into their apps and services. said Yoshi Yokokawa, Co-founder and CEO at Alpaca. This accolade is an acknowledgment of our entire team’s hard work and commitment to build the most developer-friendly financial services infrastructure.”

“We are honored to receive this distinction of “Best Automated Trading Software,” as Alpaca is committed to delivering a reactive, reliable, and responsive, automated trading system centered around a real-time event-driven architecture,'' said Hitoshi Harada, Co-Founder, and CPO of Alpaca. We look forward to continuing developing versatile products for our users built on cutting-edge technology”.

Alpaca wins Best Automated Trading Software at Global Fintech Awards for 2022

About Alpaca

Alpaca is a developer-first embedded financial technologies platform that’s raised over $100m in funding. Alpaca offers crypto and stock trading, real-time market data, and end-to-end brokerage infrastructure through modern APIs. Alpaca is backed by top investors in the industry globally, including Portage Ventures, Spark Capital, Social Leverage, Tribe Capital, Horizons Ventures, Unbound, Eldridge, Positive Sum, Elefund, and Y Combinator. To learn more about Alpaca, visit

Alpaca - Developer-First API for Stocks and Crypto
Alpaca’s easy to use APIs allow developers and businesses to build apps, embed investing, and trade algorithms.

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This content is for general informational purposes only. Alpaca and Benzinga are not affiliated, and neither are responsible for the liabilities of the other.

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