Yes! Alpaca supports fractional trading via API and the dashboard.  We currently have over 5,000 fractionable securities on our platform!

Fractional Securities include:

  • US Exchange listed Securities (Common Stocks and Exchange Traded Funds)
  • Selected Over the Counter American Depository Receipts

We generally will allow securities to be fractionable under the below scenarios:
Exchange Listed

  • Over $1
  • Average Daily Trading Volume over 10,000 shares

Over the Counter

  • Must be an ADR (Fifth character of the symbol ends in Y)
  • Market tier is OTC QX, Pink Current Information, Pink Limited Information
  • Bid price over $6

To see if an asset is fractional, check the field fractionable = true from the GET/v2/assets endpoint.  

To see if an asset is available for fractional trading in extended hours, check the field fractional_eh_enabled = true  from the GET /v2/assets  endpoint.

If you have an asset that meets the above criteria and is not fractional, please send support an email at or reach out to us on Slack.